56 Kids Rush Out In YES!


February 16, 2018, Educare Chosen High School, Jos, Nigeria. 80 minutes spent sharing music, games, drama and a short message with the kids, and we were glad we went.

Sometimes, when I see these kids stepping out in excitement to say Yes to the Lord Jesus Christ, I do wonder if they really understand what it means. But I know they do.  I was like them when the Lord touched my heart back in 1976 and I submitted to Him. Besides, even though we go as creative as we can get in communicating the Gospel, we also strive to make the message as plain as possible. More importantly, it does seem that the Holy Spirit is ever eager and waiting to tie it all together in their hearts, making up for our deficiencies. So, today again, I see kids who were earlier too shy to volunteer for roles in simple games, rush out now as the invitation is given to come accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 56 at the last count!

There’s a hunger in the heart of some kid out there that only the saving Christ can satisfy. Our business is to go out there and present Him to them. Thanks for coming with us!

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